Hospital News

Proof positive


Families of UPMC Western Maryland ICU patients offer feedback

Over the last 18 months plus, the UPMC Western Maryland Intensive Care Unit has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from the ICU Family Satisfaction Survey, which provides families the opportunity to share the experience they had during their stay.

Doctors, nurses and members of the ICU team are rated from outstanding to poor on areas such as meeting needs, care, showing concern and compassion and providing honest information. Those taking the survey can also add additional comments they feel could be helpful.

Reviews since consistently fall in the outstanding to good range, and family members have added both testimonials and helpful suggestions that ICU staff might consider. One reviewer said, “The facility is beautiful, but it’s the staff that makes the hospital so wonderful. They are always friendly, helpful, and offer assistance. We’ve had staff greet us and ask, ‘how’s she doing?’ as we go to grab a bite. Even cafeteria staff are warm and friendly to everyone.”

The survey also provides the opportunity to share experiences with other family members of ICU patients in the form of a family testimonial.  Sometimes, hearing a positive testimonial from someone who has had a similar experience can provide comfort to those dealing with the stress of critical illness.

The reviews and positive feedback confirm the level of care and concern staff in the UPMC Western Maryland ICU show to all patients and their families. “Having a loved one in the Intensive Care Unit can be an overwhelming and emotional rollercoaster for families,” said Crissy Martz, Nurse Manager Critical Care Services. “The staff in the ICU at UPMC Western Maryland are committed to caring for family members the same as they care for patients and believe that the experience of family and friends is just as important as the experience for the patient. The survey results attest to the ICU staff’s commitment of providing patient and family-centered care and modeling the core values of UPMC Western Maryland.”
